Maybe you like running in the dark with lots of other people. Well i have some tips for you.
1. Try to warp up warm
The High, small hours can get powerful Frio. It can be hard, but at night it takes no time to cool down a lot, especially if you have to stop. When moving, non pair of shorts may seem like a great idea, but always be prepared for moving slowly. When you're stuck at traffic lights or lost in the woods, you want your muscles are warm when you clicks again
2. Use briliant head torch.
In some case if u havig confidence in your footing means you can make the most of avoid lanidng on your page.
3. Make bright and beautiful.
When you rre jogging on the road so u want others to see you. Take a smaller head torch to put ont the back of head. Important to know in some cases don't let the early sunsets and dark morning put you off trail running because it's a diffetent adventure when night.